Repeat Living's easy...give life again to something whether it's recycled, repurposed, reimagined....whether an object or life itself


Recycled goods are amazing, who'd have thought that we would be wearing t-shirts, coats, shoes made out of plastic-bottles, tyres, old cups...made by thoughtful artisan makers

Choosing sustainable helps preserve land, keeping footprints to a minimum and looking after our planet

Ethical looks after the people of this world, gives more to others, gives life a chance

Behind it all at REPEAT LIVING is kindness

Be kind to the earth, be kind to others, be kind to yourself x


If you are local to the Repeat Living store in Lymington, you can bring in plastics which have either a number 2 or 5 in the little triangle on the base of items, and we'll send them off for recycling to the lady who makes the soap dishes we stock